Texts on Frederick Kiesler
2013 |
Austrian Frederick and Lillian Kiesler Private Foundation, ed. Breton Duchamp Kiesler. Surreal Space 1947. (14/2013.) Vienna: Austrian Frederick and Lillian Kiesler Private Foundation, 2013. Graham, James D. “An Audience of the Scientific Age: Rossum’s Universal Robots and the Production of an Economic Conscience.” In: Grey Room. 50 (Winter 2013). 112-142. Hasenhütl, Gert. “Diagramme von Friedrich Kiesler aus der Unterrichtspraxis im ‘Laboratory for Design Correlation’ an der Columbia University im Kontext von ‘Design Research’.” In: Diagrammatik der Architektur. Ed. Dietrich Boschung, and Julian Jachmann. Munich: Wilhelm Fink, 2013. 93-127. Krejci, Harald: “Die Beziehungen Friedrich Kieslers zu Berlin.” In: Wien – Berlin. Kunst zweier Metropolen. Munich: Prestel, 2013. 255-259. La Casa Encendida, ed.: Frederick Kiesler. (Exh. cat.) Madrid: La Casa Encendida, 2013. Lesák, Barbara. “Eksplozija kulise: Frederick J. Kiesler i teater. Explosions of the Backdrop: Frederick J. Kiesler and the Theatre.” In: Oris. 15.80 (2013). 74-83. Molderings, Herbert: Marcel Duchamp at the Age of 85. An Icon of Conceptual Photography. Cologne: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, 2013.
2012 |
Austrian Frederick and Lillian Kiesler Private Foundation, ed. Space House. (11/2012.) Vienna: Austrian Frederick and Lillian Kiesler Private Foundation, 2012. Dreishpoon, Douglas. “Sculpture’s Expanding Area.” In: Archives of American Art Journal. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution, 2012. 24-35. Lesák, Barbara, and Trabitsch, Thomas, ed. Frederick Kiesler. Theatervisionär – Architekt – Künstler. (Exh. cat.) Vienna: Brandstätter, 2012. Mammì, Lorenzo. “As bordas.” In: O que resta. Arte e crítica de arte. Sao Paolo: Companhia des Letras, 2012. 54-117. Molderings, Herbert. “Das Glück selbst. Auf der Suche nach dem ‘Grünen Lichtstrahl’ von Marcel Duchamp.” In: Die nackte Wahrheit. Zum Spätwerk von Marcel Duchamp. Munich: Hanser, 2012. 130-193. Ockman, Joan, ed. “Disciplinarity. Redefining Architecture’s Limits and Identity.” / “Research. Toward a 'Scientific’ Architecture.” In: Architecture School. Three Centuries of Educating Architects in North America. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2012. 291-298, 386-391. Schneider, Svenia. Blob-Architektur für das 21. Jahrhundert. Neues Paradigma oder Relaunch einer ehrwürdigen Tradition. Marburg: Tectum, 2012. (187-190.) Schroeder, Katja, ed. We Make Versions. (Exh. cat.) Münster: Westfälischer Kunstverein, 2012. 1-5, 63-66. Smolińska, Marta. “Pierwsze podzielone obrazy.” In: Otwieranie obrazu. De(kon)strukcja uniwersalnych mechanizmów widzenia w nieprzedstawiającym malarstwie sztalugowym ll połowy XX wieku. Toruń: Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 2012. 272-277. Zillner, Gerd. “Friedrich KIESLER.” In: Space Affairs | Raumaffären | Affaires d’espace. (Exh. cat.) Vienna: Springer, 2012. 119-121.
2011 |
Austrian Frederick and Lillian Kiesler Private Foundation, ed. Lebensform im Kunstformat. Life-Form in the Art Format. Surrealism on Display in Art of This Century. (10/2011.) Vienna: Austrian Frederick and Lillian Kiesler Private Foundation, 2011. Brosowsky, Bettina Maria. “Raum-Kunst-Erlebnis anno ’42. Kieslers Surrealist Gallery als 1: 3-Modell in Wien.” In: Bauwelt. 102.34 (2011). 2. Hanak-Lettner, Werner. Die Ausstellung als Drama. Wie das Museum aus dem Theater entstand. Bielefeld: transcript, 2011. Hemken, Kai-Uwe. “Der Künstler als Kurator. Die Ausstellung als Kunstwerk.” In: bauhaus. Die Zeitschrift der Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau. 1 (March 2011). 42-49. Khazam, Rahma. “Kiesler’s Endless Gallery.” In: Flash Art. 44.279 (July-September 2011). 38, 40. Lesák, Barbara. “Kulissentheater versus Raumtheater.” In: zuschnitt, 11.44 (December 2011). 20-21. Luyken, Gunda. “Infra-geringe Verschiebungen. Beobachtungen zu den künstlerischen Konzepten von Marcel Duchamp und Frederick Kiesler.“ In: Impuls Marcel Duchamp // Where do we go from here? Poiesis I. Schriftenreihe des Duchamp-Forschungszentrums Schwerin. Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz, 2011. 128-155. Wimmer, Karin. “Surrealismus und Exil: Max Ernst in New York.” In: Netzwerke des Exils. Ed. Burcu Dogramaci, and Karin Wimmer. Berlin: Gebr. Mann, 2011. 375-395.
2010 |
Austrian Frederick and Lillian Kiesler Private Foundation, ed. Avantgarde im Portrait. Wien-Paris-New York. (08/2010.) Vienna: Austrian Frederick and Lillian Kiesler Private Foundation, 2010. Austrian Frederick and Lillian Kiesler Private Foundation, ed. From Chicken Wire to Wire Frame. Kiesler’s Endless House. (07/2010.) Vienna: Austrian Frederick and Lillian Kiesler Private Foundation, 2010. Huhtamo, Erkki: “On the Origins of the Virtual Museum.” In: Museums in a Digital Age. Ed. Ross Parry. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2010. 121-135 Kraus, Eva-Christina. Exposition internationale du Surréalisme, 1947. Display-Strategien und kuratorische Praxis. Wien: unpubl. Diss., 2010. Lemonier, Aurélien. “Dossier 10: Cité dans l’Espace.” In: De Stijl 1917-1931. Paris: Centre Pompidou, 2010. 152-153. Lesák, Barbara. “Friedrich Kieslers Theaterschaffen. Der Start in ein spartenübergreifendes Universum.“ In: Springerin. 16.2 (Spring 2010). 38-43. Molderings, Herbert. “Le bonheur même. À la recherche du Rayon vert de Marcel Duchamp.” In: Retour d’y voir. 3-4 (2010). 9-55. Phillips, Stephen. “Parametric Design: a Brief History.” In: arcCA. 10.1 (2010). 24-28. Phillips, Stephen. “Toward a Research Practice. Frederick Kiesler’s Design-Correlation Laboratory.” In: Grey Room. 38 (Winter 2010). 90-120. Sabatino, Michelangelo. “Remoteness and Presentness. The Primitive in Modernist Architecture.” In: Perspecta 43. Taboo. Cambridge, MA: MIT, 2010. 151-155. Unwin, Simon. “Endless House. An unbuilt project for a house based in infinity.” In: Twenty Buildings Every Architect Should Understand. London: Routledge, 2010. 53-60.
2009 |
Austrian Frederick and Lillian Kiesler Private Foundation, ed. The Space In Between. Kiesler’s Galaxies. (03/2009.) Vienna: Austrian Frederick and Lillian Kiesler Private Foundation, 2009. Austrian Frederick and Lillian Kiesler Private Foundation, ed. Len Pitkowsky on Frederick Kiesler: His Medium Was Space. (02/2009.) Vienna: Austrian Frederick and Lillian Kiesler Private Foundation, 2009. Goodyear, Anne Collins, and McManus, James W., ed. Inventing Marcel Duchamp. The Dynamics of Portraiture. (Exh. cat.) Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution, 2009. Haines-Cooke, Shirley. Frederick Kiesler: Lost in History. Art of this Century and the Modern Art Gallery. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars, 2009. Kraus, Eva, and Schulz, Tilo. “Exhibition Design.” In: Displayer 03. Karlsruhe: HfG Karlsruhe, 2009. 8-15. Pessler, Monika, ed. Modelling Space. 10th Anniversary Kiesler Foundation Vienna. Vienna: Schlebrügge.Editor, 2009. Quaintance, Don. “Erecting the Temple of Non-Objectivity: The Architectural Infancy of the Guggenheim Museum.” In: The Museum of Non-Objective Painting. Hilla Rebay and the Origins of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum. Ed. Karole Vail. New York: Guggenheim Museum, 2009. 179-221. Taylor, Michael R. Marcel Duchamp. Étant donnés. (Exh. cat.) Philadelphia: Philadelphia Museum of Art, 2009.
2008 |
Carruth, Allison. “The Space Stage and the Circus. E.E. Cumming’s Him and Frederick Kiesler’s Raumbühne.” In: Modern Drama. 51.4 (Winter 2008). 458-481. Lammert, Angela. “Von der Bildlichkeit der Notation.” In: Notation. Kalkül und Form in den Künsten. (Exh. cat.) Berlin: Akademie der Künste, 2008. 39-54. The Drawing Center, ed. Frederick Kiesler. Co-Realities. Drawing Papers 77. New York: The Drawing Center, 2008.
2007 |
Cory, Joseph. “Realising the Endless: The work of Jürgen Mayer H. and the legacy of Frederick Kiesler.” In: Papers of Surrealism. 5 (Spring 2007). McGuire, Laura M. “A Movie House in Space and Time: Frederick Kiesler’s Film Arts Guild Cinema, New York, 1929.” In: Decorative Arts. 14.2 (Spring-Summer 2007). 45-78. Pessler, Monika. “Le modèle de ‘l’espace artistique’ – les revisions spatiales de Frederick Kiesler.” In: Ligeia. Dossiers sur l’art: Art et Espace. 20.73-76 (January-June 2007). 98-110.
2005 |
Austrian Frederick and Lillian Kiesler Private Foundation, ed. Friedrich Kiesler, Designer. Sitzmöbel der 30er und 40er. Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz, 2005.
2004 |
Bassi, Alberto. “Arredi Correalisti di Kiesler per la galleria Peggy Guggenheim a New York, 1942.” In: Casabella. 9.725 (2004). 92-97. Davidson, Susan, and Rylands, Philip, ed. Peggy Guggenheim & Frederick Kiesler. The Story of Art of This Century. Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz, 2004. Erdman, David. “Material Potency: Media and Mediation.” In: Architectural Review Australia. 090 (2004). 73-76. Jesberg, Paul. “Poetik des Raumes. Friedrich Kiesler und sein Endless House.” In: Mensch + Architektur. 44/45 (May 2004). 8-11. Pessler, Monika. “Peggy and Kiesler.” In: Parnass. 1.24 (2004). 156-157. Phillips, Stephen. “Introjection and projection: Frederick Kiesler and his dream machine.” In: Surrealism and Architecture. Ed. Thomas Mical. London: Routledge, 2004. 140-155. Schleif, Nina. “American Union of Decorative Artists and Craftsmen (AUDAC).” In: Schaufenster Kunst. Berlin und New York. Cologne: Böhlau, 2004. 142-149. Schleif, Nina. “Die erste ausführliche Präsentation moderner Schaufenster. Frederick Kieslers Schaufenstergestaltungen für Saks & Co., 1928.” In: Schaufenster Kunst. Berlin und New York. Cologne: Böhlau, 2004. 151-168.
2003 |
Austrian Frederick and Lillian Kiesler Private Foundation, and Museum für Moderne Kunst Frankfurt am Main, ed. Friedrich Kiesler: Endless House 1947-1961. Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz, 2003. Hendrix, John. Architectural Forms and Philosophical Structures. New York: Peter Lang, 2003. (“Georges Bataille and Frederick Kiesler”, 203-219) Johnson, Ken. “An Ambitious Architect Of Visions and Dreams.” In: New York Times. 05.09.2003. E30. Kraus, Eva, and Sonzogni, Valentina. “Friedrich Kiesler: Les Larves d’Imagie d’Henri Robert Marcel Duchamp.” In: Marcel Duchamp – Druckgraphik. Ed. Martin Zeiller. (Exh. cat.) Vienna: University for Applied Arts, 2003. 83-88. Sonzogni, Valentina. “Film Guild Cinema.” In: Future Cinema. Ed. Peter Weibel, and Jeffrey Shaw. Cambridge, MA: MIT, 2003. 132-133. Sonzogni, Valentina. “Frederick Kiesler et la Maison sans fin.” In: L’Architecture d’aujourd’hui. 74.349 (November-December 2003). 48-57. Vidler, Anthony. “Fantasy, the Uncanny and Surrealist Theories of Architecture.” In: Papers of Surrealism. 1 (Winter 2003). Whitehead, Ingrid. “Snapshot: Kiesler’s unforgettable interior.” In: Architectural Record. 9 (2003). 103-104.
2002 |
Austrian Frederick and Lillian Kiesler Private Foundation, and Museum für Moderne Kunst Frankfurt am Main, ed. Friedrich Kiesler. Art of This Century. Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz, 2002. Ticha, Jana. “Friedrich Kiesler Endless House.” In: Zlatý rez. 23 (Spring 2002). 48-51. Vidler, Anthony. unHEIMlich. Über das Unbehagen in der modernen Architektur. Hamburg: Edition Nautilus, 2002.
2001 |
Bogner, Dieter. “Die Zweite Haut.” In: Der Architekt. 8.01 (2001). 33. Bogner, Dieter, and Noever, Peter, ed. Frederick J. Kiesler. Endless Space. (Exh. cat.) Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz, 2001. Laffoley, Paul. “April in New York.” In: Flaunt. 3 (2001). 72-84. Luyken, Gunda. “Der Architekt der Visionen.” In: Morgen. 3 (2001). 34-35.
2000 |
Bogner, Dieter. “Frederick Kiesler et la Vision Machine.” In: Vision Machine. (Exh. cat.) Ed. Musée de Beaux-Arts de Nantes. Paris: Somogy éditions d’art, 2000. 136-145. Luna, Mariana Cánepa. “Art of This Century, così si avverò il sogno di Peggy.” In: Stile arte. 44 (December 2000-January 2001).
1999 |
Berkel, Ben van, and Bos, Caroline. “Una capacidad para lo interminable.” In: Quaderns d’architectura i urbanisme. 222 (1999). 92-95. Bogner, Dieter. “En el interior de la Endless House.” In: Quaderns d’architectura i urbanisme. 222 (1999). 100-105. Bogner, Dieter, and Newman, Arnold, “Frederick Kiesler e la Shell Sculpture Eloise, 1962.” In: Casabella. 666 (April 1999). 86-87. Bottero, Maria. Frederick Kiesler. L’infinito come progretto. Turin: Testo & Immagine, 1999. Lelke, Roland. Der endlose Raum in Frederick Kieslers Schrein des Buches. Aachen: Shaker, 1999.
1998 |
Bogner, Dieter. “Friedrich Kieslers Manifeste du Corréalisme.” In: Daidalos. 69/70 (December-January 1998-99). 142-151. Ryan, Kevin. “Endless Kiesler. The Revolutionary Vision of Frederick Kiesler 1890-1965.” In: Easy Listener. 6.2 (1998). 12-16.
1997 |
Boeckl, Matthias. “Die Stellung der Moderne in der kulturellen Selbstpräsentation Österreichs.” In: Kunsthistoriker. 13/14 (1997/1998). 119-124. Bogner, Dieter, ed. Friedrich Kiesler 1890-1965. Inside the Endless House. (Exh. cat.) Vienna: Böhlau, 1997. Bogner, Dieter, ed. Frederick Kiesler 1890-1965. En el interior des Endless House. (Exh. cat.) Valencia: IVAM Centre Julio Gonzalez, 1997. Kooij, Barbera van, ed. Witte de With Cahier #6. Düsseldorf: Richter, 1997. Linder, Mark. “Wild Kingdom. Frederick Kiesler’s Display of the Avant-Garde.” In: Autonomy and Ideology. Positioning an Avant-Garde in America. Ed. R. E. Somol. New York: Monacelli, 1997. 122-153.
1996 |
Bogner, Dieter. “Frederick Kiesler artista – architetto.” In: Domus. 788 (December 1996). 57-60. Bottero, Maria. Frederick Kiesler. Arte Architettura Ambiente. Milan: Electa, 1996. Centre Georges Pompidou, ed. Frederick Kiesler. Artiste – Architecte. (Exh. cat.) Paris: Centre Georges Pompidou, 1996. Colomina, Beatriz. “De psyche van het bouwen. Frederick Kiesler’s Space House.” In: Archis. 2 (November 1996). 70-80. Dessauce, Marc. Machinations. Essai sur Frederick Kiesler, l’histoire de l’architecture moderne aux Etats-Unis et Marcel Duchamp. Paris: Sens & Tonka, 1996. Dungl, Leopold. “Paris zeigt, was Wien haben möchte.” In: Kurier. 05.07.1996. Gohr, Siegfried, and Luyken, Gunda, ed. Selected Writings. By Frederick J. Kiesler. Stuttgart: Hatje, 1996. Graevenitz, Antje von. “Oneindighheid en reductie. Frederick Kiesler’s Endless House.” In: Archis. 2 (November 1996). 63-69. Marocchini, Raffaella. “Frederick Kiesler tra avanguardie e surrealismo.” In: Il Surrealismo II. Rome: Lithos, 1996. 51-66.
1995 |
Bogner, Dieter. “Architecture as Biotechnique. Friedrich Kiesler und das Space House von 1933.” In: Visionäre & Vertriebene. Österreichische Spuren in der modernen amerikanischen Architektur. Ed. Matthias Boeckl. Berlin: Ernst & Sohn, 1995. 139-154.
1994 |
Cawelti, Andreas. “The Stage as a Well Designed House: Frederick Kiesler’s Ideal Theatre.” In: Biblion. 3.1 (Fall 1994). 111-139. Feuerstein, Günther. “Kieslers Rollendom.” In: Daidalos. 53 (September 1994). 124-133.
1993 |
Bogner, Dieter. “Kiesler et ‘l’Architecture magique de la Salle de Superstition’.” In: L’architecte et le philosophe. Ed. Antonia Soulez. Liège: Mardaga, 1993. 21-26. Warren, John. “Friedrich Kiesler and Theatrical Modernism in Vienna.” In: Theatre and Performance in Austria. From Mozart to Jelinek. Ed. Ritchie Robertson, and Edward Timms. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1993. 81-92.
1992 |
Nevidal, Hans, ed. The Book of the Shrine. (Exh. cat.) Wien: Minimal, 1992. Weihsmann, Helmut. “Frédérick Kiesler: Schrein des Buches.” In: Architektur & Bauform. 151 (1992). 72-73.
1990 |
Hatton, Brian. “Architect of this century: Frederick Kiesler and his avant-garde.” In: Blueprint. 63 (1990). 50-52.
1989 |
Dunnett, James Inglis. “The mystery man: Frederick Kiesler and his avant-garde.” In: Architects’ Journal. 22 (November 1989). 88-89. Eichold, Alice. “Frederick Kiesler: Curved Objects of Desire.” In: Designweek. 24.11.1989. Grande, John K.: “Art in Search of an Environment.” In: Continuity and Connectedness. The Search for Continuity in Art and Connectedness with Nature (The Structurist), 29/30 (1989/1990). 34-37. Kimmelman, Michael. “An Architect’s Dreams And What He Built.” In: New York Times. 27.01.1989. Lacavo, Richard. “Frederick Kiesler: He’s the Surreal Thing.” In: Metropolitan Home. 21.2 (February 1989). 73-75. Menking, William. “Notes from New York.” In: Building Design. 930 (March 1989). 18. Phillips, Lisa, ed. Frederick Kiesler. (Exh. cat.) New York: Whitney Museum of American Art, 1989. Safran, Yehuda E., ed. Frederick Kiesler (1890-1965). London: Architectural Association, 1989. Sharp, Dennis. “Kiesler Country.” In: Building Design. 962 (November 1989). 2.
1988 |
Boeckl, Matthias. “Frederick Kiesler 1890-1965: architettura visionaria.” In: Domus. 694 (1988). 56-59. Bogner, Dieter, ed. Friedrich Kiesler. Architekt Maler Bildhauer. 1890-1965. Vienna: Löcker, 1988. Bottero, Maria. “Frederick Kiesler 1890-1965: il visionario o lo sperimentatore?” In: Abitare. 269 (November 1988). 218-223. Graevenitz, Antje von. “Tentoonstelling als kunst Frederick Kiesler, een bekende onbekende.” In: Archis. 9.88 (September 1988). 44-50. Lesák, Barbara. Die Kulisse explodiert. Friedrich Kieslers Theaterexperimente und Architekturprojekte 1923-25. Vienna: Löcker, 1988. Poledna, Mathias. “Phantom mit Vision.” In: Wochenpresse. 29.04.1988. 64-65. Rizzoli, Paolo. “Frederick Kiesler artista total.” In: L’Arca. 17 (June 1988). 7. Werner, Michael, ed. Frederick Kiesler. Skulpturen und Zeichnungen. (Exh. cat.) Cologne: Michael Werner, 1988.
1987 |
Bogner, Dieter. “Österreich: Friedrich Kiesler: Konstruktivistische Raumvisionen der zwanziger Jahre./Austria: Friedrich Kiesler: Constructive Space-visions of the twenties.” In: Pro – Pro Art and Architecture. 1 (June 1987). 36-41. Oberhuber, Oswald, ed. Frederick Kiesler (Architekt 1890-1965). Vienna: University for Applied Arts, 1987.
1986 |
McCoy, Jason, ed. Frederick Kiesler (1890-1965): Galaxies. New York: Jason McCoy Inc., 1986.
1985 |
Bogner, Dieter, and Lesák, Barbara. “Die Internationale Ausstellung neuer Theatertechnik (1924).” In: Traum und Wirklichkeit Wien 1870-1930. (Exh. cat.) Wien: Museen der Stadt Wien, 1985. 664-671. Glaberson, Barbara. “Kiesler at McCoy.” In: Art/World. 10.1 (October 1985). Lesák, Barbara. “Friedrich Kieslers Railway-Theater oder ‘Wie spiele ich Theater auf der Achterbahn?’” In: HfG-Forum. 10.06.1985. Ratcliff, Carter. “Domesticated Nightmares.” In: Art in America. 73.5 (May 1985). 145-151. Raynor, Vivien. “Frederick Kiesler." In: New York Times. 25.10.1985. C18. Stevens, Mark. “A Fresh Look at the ‘50s.” In: Newsweek. 21.01.1985. 76-77.
1984 |
Lesák, Barbara. “Alles dreht sich, alles bewegt sich … Die dynamischen Bühnenprojekte von Friedrich Kiesler.” In: Daidalos. 14 (December 1984). 76-84.
1983 |
Bogner, Dieter. “Wien 1920-1930: ‘Es war als würde Utopia Realität werden’.” In: Alte und Moderne Kunst. Ed. Österreichisches Museum für Angewandte Kunst. Innsbruck: AKM, 1983. 124-137.
1982 |
Held, R. L. Endless Innovations. Frederick Kiesler’s Theory and Scenic Design. Ann Arbor: UMI, 1982.
1981 |
Goldberg, Rose Lee. “Frederick Kiesler, Endless Love.” In: Flash Art. 102 (March/April 1981). 37-39.
1979 |
Goodman, Cynthia. “The Current of Contemporary History: Frederick Kiesler’s Endless Research.” In: Arts. 54.1 (September 1979). 118-123.
1978 |
s.n. “Frederik Kiesler mostre a Monaco e Zurigo.” In: Domus. 588 (November 1978). 2.
1977 |
Goodman, Cynthia. “Frederick Kiesler: Designs for Peggy Guggenheim’s Art of This Century Gallery.” In: Arts Magazine. 51.10 (June 1977). 90. Museum of Modern Art, New York, ed. A Tribute to Anthology Film Archives’ Avantgarde Film Preservation Program. An Evening Dedicated to Frederick Kiesler. New York: Museum of Modern Art, 1977.
1975 |
Galerie nächst St. Stephan, ed. Frederick Kiesler. Architekt Maler Bildhauer Schriftsteller Bühnenbildner Designer. (Exh. cat.) Vienna: Galerie nächst St. Stephan, 1975. Lawder, Standish D. “Léger, L’Herbier, and L’Inhumaine.” In: The Cubist Cinema. New York: NYU, 1975. 99-115. Momi, Paolo de. “Frederick Kiesler.” In: Casabella. 41.407 (November 1975). 26-31. Rykwert, Joseph. “Kiesler, mostra a Vienna.” In: Domus. 546 (May 1975). 49.
1973 |
Ashton, Dore. The New York School. A Cultural Reckoning. Berkeley: University of California, 1973. (27-31.)
1972 |
Eliot, Alexander. “Encounters with Artists.” In: Atlantic. 230.4 (October 1972). 99-104. Gubler, Jacques, and Barbey, Gilles. “Frederick Kiesler et la problématique du ‘contemporary art applied to the store and its display’.” In: werk. 59.11 (November 1972). 662-666.
1970 |
McMillan, Ann. “The Listening Eye.” In: craft horizons. 30.1 (January-February 1970). 14-19.
1969 |
Bottero, Maria. “Frederick Kiesler 1923-64.” In: Zodiac. 19 (1969). 6-49.
1967 |
Fitch, James Marston. “Outrageous Fortune.” In: New York Times. 15.01.1967. 30. Pedio, Renato. “Una leggenda moderna. Frederick Kiesler dal Neoplasticismo alla continuità.” In: L’Architettura. 143 (1967). 299-318.
1966 |
Goulet, Patrice. “Frederick Kiesler.” In: Aujourd’hui. Art et architecture. 53 (May-June 1966). 30-37.
1926-1965 |
Arp, Jean. “L’oeuf de Kiesler et la Salle de Superstition.” In: Cahiers d’Art. 22 (1947). 281-286. Barr, Alfred H. “Kiesler’s Galaxy.” In: Harper’s Bazaar. April 1952. 142-143. Benson, E. M. “Wanted: An American Bauhaus for Industrial Design.” In: American Magazine of Art. 27.6 (June 1934). 307-312. Creighton, Thomas. “Kiesler’s Pursuit of an Idea.” In: Progressive Architecture. 42.7 (July 1961). 104-123. De Kooning, Elaine. “The Modern Museum’s Fifteen: Dickinson and Kiesler.” In: Art News. 51.2 (April 1952). 20-23, 66-67. Drexler, Arthur. “Frederick Kiesler and his Endless House.” In: Vogue. 135.1 (January 1960). 114-115. Farber, Manny. “Spatial Exhibition at Peggy Guggenheim’s and A New Way of Seeing Pictures.” In: Magazine of Art. 35.8 (December 1942). 305. Huges, Alice. “A Woman’s New York.” In: Reading Eagle. 07.01.1966. Huxtable, Ada Louise. “Architecture on TV: ‘Greatest Non-Building Architect of Our Time’ Expounds His Ideas.” In: New York Times. March 27, 1960. Johnson, Philip. “Three Architects.” In: Art in America. 48.1 (Spring 1960). 70-75. Levin, Kim. “Kiesler and Mondrian. Art into Life.” In: Art News. 72.63 (May 1964). 38-41, 49-50. Lönberg-Holm, Knud. “New Theatre Architecture in Europe.” In: Architectural Record. 67.5 (May 1930). 490-496. Ragon, Michel. “Frederick Kiesler: Le Précurseur annonce l’architecture feminine des courbes.” In: La Galerie des Arts. 20 (November 1964). 26-28. Raynal, Maurice. “Stadt in der Luft.” In: G. Material zur elementaren Gestaltung. Ed. Hans Richter. 4 (March 1926). 10. s.n. “American Opera Designs.” In: Architectural Forum. 77.1 (January 1942). 14. s.n. “Design’s Bad Boy.” In: Architectural Forum. 86 (February 1947). 88-91, 138, 140. s.n. “New Display Technique for ‘Art of this Century’ designed by Frederick Kiesler.” In: Architectural Forum. 78.2 (February 1943). 49-50. s.n. “Frederick John Kiesler: Something New.” In: Time. 11.10.1954. 96. s.n. “Kiesler.” In: Blood Flames. (Exh. cat.) New York: Hugo Gallery, 1947. 16. s.n. “Shrine of the Book.” In: Progressive Architecture. 46 (September 1965). 126-133. s.n. “Space House Designed by Frederick Kiesler.” In: Architectural Forum. 60.1 (January 1934). 17-22. s.n. “Stage Scenery.” In: Architectural Record. 494 (March 1937). 142-144. s.n. “The Endless House: Frederick Kiesler, Architect.” In: Architectural Forum. November 1950. s.n. “The Universal. A Multi-Purpose Community Center Theater Designed for Woodstock, New York.” In: Architectural Forum. 57 (December 1932). s.n. “Yeshiva to Build Research Tower.” In: New York Times. 01.05.1961. 58. The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum. Frederick Kiesler. Environmental Sculpture. (Exh. cat.) New York: Sterlip, 1964. |