Every exhibition is accompanied by a booklet:
Instructions here
20.- PROOF - Michael Huey
Booklet download
19.- Kiesler and Bartos. The Shrine of the Book
Booklet download
-,- Bruce Nauman (Laureate brochure)
Booklet download
18.- Studio and Workshop. Frederick Kiesler as a Master of Self-Fashioning
Booklet on request
17.- Unknown & Unbuilt? Kiesler's Architectural Projects from the 1950s
Booklet download
16.- Bernhard Cella _ Schleusen
Booklet download
15.- Paul T. Frankl_A Viennese Designer in New York and Los Angeles
Booklet download
14.- Breton Duchamp Kiesler_Surreal Space 1947
Booklet download
-,- Andrea Zittel_Artist-Architect (Laureate brochure)
Booklet download
13.- Daniel Hafner_Reflecting on all things merely experienced
Booklet download
12.- How to Make the World Work_Buckminster Fuller Symposium
Booklet download
11.- Space House
Booklet download
10.- Life-Form in the Art Format_Surrealism on Display in Art of This Century
Booklet download
9.- Katharina Heinrich_warp and weft
Booklet download
8.- Face to face with the avantgarde_Vienna-Paris-New York
Booklet download
-,- Heimo Zobernig_DRAMADISPLAY (Laureate brochure)
Booklet download
7.- From Chicken Wire to Wire Frame_Kiesler's Endless House
Booklet download
6.- Heidulf Gerngross_Post-suprematist data sheets
Booklet download
5.- Gilbert Bretterbauer_according to
Booklet download
4.- Public Space With A Roof_Passages Through (The Unifinished Monument)
Booklet download
3.- Galaxies_The Space in between
Booklet download
2.- Len Pitkowsky on Frederick Kiesler: his medium was space
Booklet download
1.- Krüger & Pardeller_Tensions
Booklet download
Kiesler Foundation Vienna Projects 2009-2011
Ed. Kiesler Foundation Vienna
for sale at the Kiesler Foundation Vienna
limited edition of 80 copies
€ 50,00
Cardboard slipcase including 12 booklets with current texts, illustrations and exhibition views
In an effort to create unity between artistic and social spheres of influence, architect and artist Frederick Kiesler worked throughout his life towards an interdisciplinary approach that connects theory and practice.
A limited reprint edition of eighty copies, the Projects 2009-2011 set of catalogs covers numerous activities that reflect, in widely varied ways, Frederick Kiesler’s attempts at solutions in the fields of art, architecture, and design. This slipcase set of publications brings together contemporary theoretical and practical perspec-tives as well as the latest in Kiesler studies. It thus gives visibility to the history of the impact avant-gardist Frederick Kiesler achieved, which can be traced from Modernism to the present.
Endless Kiesler
Available at the Frederick Kiesler Foundation
€ 30,80
ISBN: 978-3-0356-0624-9
After the success of Unbuildable Tatlin?!,a book is now available on Friedrich Kiesler’s visionary “Endless House”, which was only ever realized in the form of a model. It presents the current state of research and discusses the possibility of realizing the project using today's means, and it also brings together various contributions by artists and architects who reflect on Kiesler’s most important work. Texts were contributed by Sanford Kwinter, Klaus Bollinger, Brian Hatton, Laura McGuire, Florian Medicus, Jill Meissner, and Gerd Zillner, with the foreword by Hani Rashid. Visual art contributions were made by Andrea Zittel, Olafur Eliasson, Tomas Saraceno, Ian Kiaer, Jürgen Mayer H., Hans Hollein, Heimo Zobernig, and others.
Daniel Hafner, Dialogue(s)
Reflecting on all things merely experienced
To acquire at the Kiesler Foundation Vienna
€ 12,00
ISBN: 978-3-9503308-0-9
Editors: Daniel Hafner, Monika Pessler, 2012
Texts: Monika Pessler
English with extra booklet in German, 78 pages, numerous illustrations
Daniel Hafner’s art serves to explore our existence, more precisely, the perception of our being here. The artist, born in Styria in 1979, focuses his work on both natural and technical phenomena.
In visual and sculptural works, the artist arrives at the conviction that it is possible to derive from the formal correspondence between the digitisation of “sound” and “line” common properties of these sign systems. The signs belonging to sound and those belonging to gestures, Hafner maintains, are of a similar nature, and he transposes abstract actions into vectorial computer representations in order to translate them back into the realm of the hand-made or into three-dimensionality.
Daniel Hafner’s series of artistic experiments are not only capable of making us aware of the complex ways in which our phenomenal world functions. In addition, his seemingly simple viewing devices often unmask our experience as deceptive appearance. For example, the sense of sight or hearing may be separated from all other physical sensations in order to convey to us the perceived illusion of a busy country road in the exhibition, true to the motto: “Close your eyes and you’re there!”
10th anniversary of the Kiesler Foundation Vienna
Ed. Monika Pessler
To acquire at the Kiesler Foundation Vienna and at SCHLEBRÜGGE.EDITOR (
Distribution abroad: Vice Versa, Berlin
German/Englisch, 132 p., several illustrations,
16,5 x 21,5 cm, paper back, 2009
ISBN 978-3-85160-145-9
€ 24,70 [A]
€ 24,00 [D]
Hofstetter Kurt -
ZART una cantata moebius
with research funding from the cultural and science department of the City of Vienna and the Kiesler Foundation Vienna
editors: Kiesler Foundation Vienna and Zwei Kongruent Null - Verein zur Förderung von Projekten aus Kunst und Wissenschaft, Wien
Ediciones TRITON | Barcelona: Beirut: Vienna, 2010 (CD 2011)
to acquire at the Kiesler Foundation Vienna
a limited number is available for the special price of € 33,00
retail price € 43,00
ISBN 978-84-938482-0-0 (Triton Barcelona)
ISBN 3-85486-210-5 (Triton Viena)
CD-book, 84 pages, Germ./Engl., Hardcover, 17,5 x 21,5 cm, 16 illustrations b/w
with contributions by:
Dieter Bogner
Werner Depauli-Schimanovich
Barbara Doser
Thomas Mießgang
Bariaa Mourad
Monika Pessler
Gerald Alcyon Pío Fromm
Peter Weibel
The Möbius Cantata ZART provokes a musical experience along the “eventhorizon of time”. In the moment of their stereo-acoustic perception the cantata enfolds its sound potential directed both towards the future as well as towards the past. After the first release of the Möbius Cantata ZART at the Kiesler Foundation Vienna, the CD book HOFSTETTER KURT. ZART una cantata moebius will also be presented here.
Olafur Eliasson. A Laboratory of Mediating Space.
To acquire at the Kiesler Foundation Vienna
€ 10,00
ISBN: 3-937093-68-0
Edited by Aedes Berlin and the Austrian Frederick and Lillian Kiesler Private Foundation
German/English, 47 pages, 25 illustrations, 18 x 17,5 cm
Texts by Olafur Eliasson, Bart Lootsma, Monika Pessler, Eckhard Schneider
Foreword by Kristin Feireiss and Hans-Jürgen Commerell
Maurizio Sacripanti
To acquire at the Kiesler Foundation Vienna
€ 24,00
ISBN: 3-85160-075-4
The Roman architect Maurizio Sacripanti (1916-1996) has developed a cross-disciplinary, visionary architecture since the 1950s, producing sketches and buildings and working as a highly influential professor and author. The book edited by the Kiesler Foundation Vienna documents a number of his larger sketches and competition projects (the Peugeot skyscraper for Buenos Aires, the new Teatro Lirico in Cagliari, the Italian pavillon for the Expo '70 in Osaka) and the built Museo Civico in Maccagno (Varese). In excerpts from his manifesto "Città di frontiera/Frontier City" and in project descriptions and texts (also including one by Boris Podrecca and another by Sacripanti's former collaborator Alfonso Giancotti), Sacripanti's dynamic spatial concepts and interdisciplinary designs, his invention of the "variable musculature of architecture" are presented. Boris Podrecca places Sacripanti's work and impact in a line with Archigram, against the backdrop of visionary concept - but at the same time "real, utopian, technically feasible, animated by the spirit of pragmatism."
Edited by Monika Pessler, Harald Krejci, 2006
Austrian Frederick and Lillian Kiesler Private Foundation
German/English, 100 pages, 47 illustrations, 16,5 x 21,5 cm
Texts by Boris Podrecca, Alfonso Giancotti, Harald Krejci
Friedrich Kiesler, Designer. Seating Furniture of the 30s and 40s
To acquire at the Kiesler Foundation Vienna
€ 24,00
ISBN 3-7757-1544-4
This book devoted to the contributions of the Austro-American artist and architect Friedrich Kiesler (1890-1965) to the field of design presents previously unpublished material relating to his innovative furniture designs and prototypes from the 1930s and 1940s. Letters, diaries entries, and photographs document the New York cultural environment in which Friedrich Kiesler lived and worked and illuminate the role he played in the contemporary designer scene.
After emigrating to New York in 1925, Kiesler soon became an important mediator between European and American positions in the fields of design and architecture. In the following years, he designed furniture and exhibitions and articulated the fundamental principles of a critical theory of functional architecture and design. Such concepts as flexibility, dynamism, and multifunctionality were crucial elements of his theoretical constructs.
Edited by Monika Pessler, Harald Krejci , 2005
128 pp., ca. 100 illus., ca. 32 in colour
Peggy Guggenheim & Frederick Kiesler
The Story of Art of This Century
To acquire at the Kiesler Foundation Vienna
€ 25,00
ISBN 3-7757-1557-6
Founded in 1942, Peggy Guggenheim's Art of This Century gallery set standards in virtually every sense. With its visionary design by Friedrich Kiesler, the gallery initially presented the works of such European artists as Jean Arp, Max Ernst, and Giorgio de Chirico to the New York audience and later promoted young American painters, including Robert Motherwell, Jackson Pollock, and Mark Rothko. New York in the 1940s was the crucible for post-war American and European art, and at the heart of this was Peggy Guggenheim and her remarkable museum/gallery, made instantly the most sensational venue of the avant-garde in New York by Frederick Kiesler's visionary architectural design.
This is the never-before-written story of "Art of This Century"-the name Peggy gave both to her collection (now part of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation and on permanent view in Venice, Italy) and to her 57th Street gallery. The gallery was Kiesler's masterpiece, where the careers of artists such as William Baziotes, David Hare, Robert Motherwell, Jackson Pollock, and Mark Rothko were launched. It is essential reading and reference for all who are interested in the colorful biographies of two outstanding cultural figures of the twentieth century; in the history of art installation, collecting, and art dealing; in the embattled origins of the New York School; and in the history of art and design in general.
Edited by Susan Davidson, Philip Rylands, texts by Dieter Bogner, Susan Davidson, Francis V. O'Connor, Don Quaintance, Philip Rylands, Jasper Sharp, Valentina Sonzogni, 2004
398 pp., 352 illus., 174 in colour
Friedrich Kiesler: Endless House 1947-1961
Out of stock
ISBN 3-7757-1336-0
An organically shaped house, poly-dimensional and without beginning or end - the Endless House is the influential life's dream of the Austrian architect Friedrich Kiesler. Friedrich Kiesler (1890-1965) was an architect, artist, designer, set designer and theoretician. His was the vision of a radically new concept of the interior: the idea of a polydimensional living space, an organically shaped continuum blending colours, forms and light with magical-mythical ideas to create an individual microcosm. The biomorphological design for an Endless House based on this vision, which he began developing in the 1930s, was Kiesler´s life-long dream; never implemented, it nevertheless exerted a greater influence on architects and artists than many realized 20th century buildings.
One of the merits of Kiesler´s architectural concept Endless House is to have wedded profound artistic exploration to different academic disciplines such as psychology, the natural sciences, the social sciences and the arts. The application of his approach to design with respect to the demands on living space sets standards to which today´s ubiquitous "bubble architecture" must measure up.
Edited by MMK|Museum für Moderne Kunst Frankfurt am Main, Austrian Frederick and Lillian Kiesler Private Foundation, foreword by Dieter Bogner, Udo Kittelmann, texts by Friedrich Kiesler, Harald Krejci, Valentina Sonzogni, 2003
128 pp., 106 illus., 8 in colour
Friedrich Kiesler: Art of this Century
To acquire at the Kiesler Foundation Vienna
€ 28,00
ISBN 3-7757-1281-X
Frederick Kiesler has made a deep impact on architects and designers, artists and theoreticians from the twenties until present times. Himself a versatile artist and architect, Kiesler witnessed the 20th century from the rise of the Avant-Garde in Europe to its progress in America, and played a key role in the international discourse on art.
In 1942, the New York art collector Peggy Guggenheim commissioned Frederick Kiesler to design a gallery museum - Art of This Century - for her collection of surrealist and abstract art. Today Kiesler's exhibition design, his kinetic devices as well as his biomorphic furniture, are undoubtedly among the most exceptional methods of exhibiting and creating art.
This book presents a selection of drawings, gouaches and various other materials from the archive of the Frederick Kiesler Foundation Vienna. This rich material allows us to reconstruct the origins of Kiesler's design and presents an almost flawless outline of the Art of This Century project. The texts and research material on which this book is based provide us with new information on the gallery's spatial structure and the features of its visual design. These new insights could serve as a source of inspiration for further research on this crucial work by Kiesler.
Edited by MMK|Museum für Moderne Kunst Frankfurt am Main, Austrian Frederick and Lillian Kiesler Private Foundation, foreword by Dieter Bogner, Udo Kittelmann, texts by Milton Gendel, Eva Kraus, Valentina Sonzogni, 2002
104 pp.
Frederick J. Kiesler
Endless Space
To acquire at the Kiesler Foundation Vienna
€ 28,00
ISBN 3-7757-1047-7
Frederick J. Kiesler - architect, sculptor, painter, designer, set designer and theoretician. Kiesler was tireless in his pursuit of a radical new concept of interior spaces: his dream was a polydimensional living space, an organic continuum in which color, form and light - combined with magical and mythical themes - would create a unique cosmos. His so-called Endless House stayed with him all his life; although it was never realised it still fascinated and influenced other architects and artists more than many 'real' 20th-century buildings. The publication Endless Space has been produced in cooperation with the Austrian Frederick and Lillian Kiesler Private Foundation. Based on the rich holdings in this foundation it has been possible to reconstruct Kiesler's ideals of living and his concept of modernity.
Edited by Dieter Bogner, MAK Center, L.A., MAK, Wien, Peter Noever, texts by Dieter Bogner, Greg Lynn, Peter Noever, Lisa Phillips, Lebbeus Woods, 2001
112 pp., 148 illus., 48 in colour
Friedrich Kiesler: Architekt, Maler, Bildhauer; 1890 - 1965
To acquire at the Kiesler Foundation Vienna
€ 100,00
ISBN 3-85409-124-9
ISBN 3-85409-121-4
The exhibition catalogue includes texts on different themes such as history of culture, architecture and theatre as well as a very rich biography of Frederick Kiesler (Dieter Bogner und Matthias Boeckl). Texts by: Dieter Bogner, Matthias Boeckl, Lisa Phillips, Michael Sgan-Cohen, Hans Nevidal, Barbara Lesák, Jeanne Newlin, Cynthia Goodmann, Jennifer Gough-Cooper, Jaques Caumont, Susanne Neuburger, Thomas Weingraber, Boris Podrecca.
Exhibition catalogue Friedrich Kiesler - Visionär, 1890 - 1965, Museum d. 20. Jh., Wien
Edited by Dieter Bogner, Wien, Loecker 1988
348 p. with ill., Bibliogr.
Friedrich Kiesler 1890 -1965: Inside The Endless House
Out of stock
ISBN 3-205-98838-8
This catalogue is published on the occasion of the purchase of the Frederick Kiesler Archive and the establishment of the Kiesler Foundation Vienna. The art theoretician Dieter Bogner divides Kiesler’s work in six thematic parts focussing on the oeuvre of this important architect and artist through the analysis of many original texts and photographs.
Edited by Dieter Bogner, Historisches Museum der Stadt Wien
Texts by Dieter Bogner und Matthias Boeckl, 1997
86 p. with 168 ill.
The prize-winners of the Austrian Frederick Kiesler Prize for Architecture and the Arts:
Brochures available in the Kiesler Foundation Vienna
Booklet_Kiesler and Bartos
Booklet_Studio and Workshop
Booklet_Unknown & Unbuilt?
Booklet_Bernhard Cella
Booklet_Paul T. Frankl
Booklet_Surreal Space 1947
Booklet_Andrea Zittel
Booklet_Daniel Hafner
Daniel Hafner, Dialogue(s)
Booklet_How to Make the World Work
Booklet_Space House
EDITION Kiesler Stiftung Projekte 2009-2011
Booklet_Life-Form in the Art Format
Booklet_Katharina Heinrich
Booklet_Face to Face with the Avantgarde
Booklet_Heimo Zobernig
Booklet_From Chicken Wire to Wire Frame
Book cover HOFSTETTER KURT. ZART una cantata moebius (detail)
© Hofstetter Kurt
MODELLING SPACE. 10th anniversary of the Kiesler Foundation Vienna
Booklet_Heidulf Gerngross
Booklet_Gilbert Bretterbauer
Booklet_Public Space With A Roof
Booklet_The Space In Between
Booklet_Len Pitkowsky on Frederick Kiesler
Booklet_Krüger & Pardeller
Olafur Eliasson, A Laboratory of Mediating Space (exh. cat.), Ed. by AedesBerlin and the Austrian frederick and Lillian Kiesler Private Foundation, Berlin 2006.
Photo: Florian Holzherr
Italian Pavillon Expo '70, 1968, Model
Friedrich Kiesler, Designer. Seating Furniture of the 30s and 40s, ed. Austrian Frederick and Lillian Kiesler Private Foundation,
Hatje Cantz, Ostfildern-Ruit 2005
Peggy Guggenheim & Frederick Kiesler: The Story of Art of This Century, eds. Susan Davidson, Philip Rylands, Hatje Cantz,
Ostfildern-Ruit 2004
Friedrich Kiesler: Endless House 1947-1961, ed. MMK Museum für Moderne Kunst Frankfurt am Main / Austrian Frederick and Lillian Kiesler Private Foundation, Hatje Cantz, Ostfildern-Ruit 2003
Frederick J. Kiesler Endless Space, eds. Dieter Bogner, Peter Noever, MAK Center L.A., MAK Vienna, Hatje Cantz, Ostfildern-Ruit 2000
Friedrich Kiesler: Art of This Century, 1942, ed. MMK Museum für Moderne Kunst Frankfurt am Main / Austrian Frederick
and Lillian Kiesler Private Foundation, Hatje Cantz, Ostfildern-Ruit 2002
Friedrich Kiesler 1890 - 1965: Inside The Endless House, ed. Dieter Bogner, Historisches Museum der Stadt Wien, Böhlau Verlag, Vienna 1997
Friedrich Kiesler: Architekt, Maler, Bildhauer; 1890 - 1965, "Friedrich Kiesler - Visionär, 1890 - 1965, Museum d. 20. Jh,
Vienna, ed. Dieter Bogner, Loecker Verlag, Vienna 1988
Brochure_Austrian Frederick Kiesler Prize for Architecture and Art, Toyo Ito, Vienna 2008
© Austrian Frederick and Lillian Kiesler Private Foundation